Growing Broccoli

Broccoli is the hardy, sun-loving super food! Perfect for Spring or Autumn planting, Broccoli is rich in vitamins and minerals and is a good source of Vitamin A, potassium, folic acid, iron and fibre.
This low maintenance grower is the ideal staple vegetable for your garden, requiring 3-4 months until harvest and grows best alongside other staples such as garlic, beetroot, celery, potato and rosemary.
Broccoli requires full sun and moist, fertile soil that's slightly acidic. It is best to harvest when the heads are still tight, leaving them longer they will begin to spread and this means they are loosing flavour. Harvest the head from the plant by taking at least 10-15cm from the stem, if you leave the plant in side-shoots will begin to form over the next few weeks and will continue for the rest of the season.
McGregor's Broccoli Seed Marathon
Broccoli 'Marathon' is a popular variety and has excellent weather and disease tolerance. An extremely adaptable variety that is not only fast-maturing but can be grown practically all year round.
How to plant your Broccoli
Choose a well drained site in full sun. Sow these seeds in trays for subsequent transplanting or, after frosts, sow direct where to grow. Sow seeds 3cm apart, in rows 60cm apart and to a depth of 5mm
Seedling Care
Keep seedbed or trays evenly moist during the germination period of 7-14 days. Apply McGregor's FruitMax 2 weeks after germination for healthier plants and a maximum crop. Protect your vege garden from snails and slugs with McGregor's Snail and Slug bait and from White Butterfly with McGregor's Derris Dust.
Hints and Tips
Harvest before the florets start to open and turn yellow. Cut just below the point where the stems begin to separate.